by Raphaël Assoun |
You doubtless already visited the page dedicated
to the beautiful project Raphaël Assoun's Aeronef, which was inspired
by the gabriel Voisin's Aérodyne. Today, the story continues
with the creation of an association aiming at realizing this car in
the scale 1:1!
An Aéronef at the feet of the Eiffel Tower,
a virtual image, indeed, but till when?
To know more about it a visit to his blog
is imperative, you will see there:
The Aéronef, already known, reviewed on several
points, heiress of Gabriel Voisin's Aérodyne...
... And the Aéroadster, a new project, which
seems, too, very practicable!
To concretize his projects, Raphaël Assoun
looks for sponsors, do not hesitate to contact him.
E-mail : Raphaël
Visit his association blog : As
soon real car